with the hardest working day of the week now consigned to water cooler history, and only four office days left until field day festival i thought i'd get home, relax and put my weary feet up with some terrible television. i wanted terrible but watchable tv. you know, shit, but still leaves you feeling warm inside (surprise surprise, howard's way, that kind of thing). to my annoyance i've painfully just watched the first 41 seconds of 'snog marry avoid?' and i'm left questioning our existence. but instead of writing a tear and blood stained final message directed at jenny frost, 'pod' and overweight orange girls giving them the satisfaction they crave, i've instead gone through my itunes to make a rather more life embracing note of my favourite five albums of 2010 so far. so for all those looking for something other to do than start gang warfare against glowing perma-tan girls, go listen to the following...

foals, 'total life forever'
raising the bar not just for bands from studious oxford, but for all british bands right now. amazing. 9
favourite song... 'spanish sahara'

arcade fire, 'the suburbs'
not out for a few days yet, but thankfully for us (but not their bank manager) it's leaked and is currently set on repeat on my iphone. quite brilliant. 9
favourite song... 'ready to start'

mystery jets, 'serotonin'
the strongest middle of an album i've heard in a long time, irresistibly catchy. 8
favourite song... 'show me the light'
avi buffalo, 'avi buffalo'
sounds like the album mgmt tried (but failed) to make with their second offering. poppy and summery, lovely stuff. 7
favourite song... 'truth sets in'

in places sounds like the perfect pilled up, loved up, but very weird summer party. odd blood, odd sounds and oddly scattered bits of genius. 7
favourite song... 'love me girl'
so there you have it, my top five. a special mention should also go to sleigh bells, ariel pink's haunted graffiti, the coral and two door cinema club who just failed to make the grade, i'm sure they're crying into their supper right now. with that written, i'm off to watch 'lee nelson's well good show'. someone pass me a gun.
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