life >> style
we've all had a laugh at the 'being a dickhead's cool' video that spread around the internet faster than a hoxton hero can roll their rizla. most of the people i know, myself included can tick off a few of the piss-takes highlighted - the current blog YOU ARE ENJOYING being the perfect example, but having recently returned from a week back in my hometown, i can confidently confirm that the life of these so called dickheads has to be an improvement on what is suffered by those diseased by small-town-syndrome now laughing at these supposed trendies. i agree with a of a lot of the video; take a stroll through east london and you'll see waves of pretentious young 'uns cat-walking their way down brick lane or broadway market, perfecting their look to whatever the leader of their whacky art student gang has decided is acceptably diverse enough from their gran's piss stained wardrobe that week, or which vintage camera (that probably doesn't work) looks coolest slung around their buttons-in collar.
the cloned "wow, i'm so diverse, look at my clothes and moustache, i'm the ultimate artist/musician/writer in hackney" falseness obviously riles a lot, but in their favour, at least these young upstarts aren't stuck in the small, narrow minded town they grew up in, desperate to try new things but constrained because of the fear of abuse or failure to fit in. they've moved to london, one of the most magnificent cities in the world, and yep they're wearing silly clothes, growing ridiculous facial hair, sitting over london fields, blogging about their cool day out looking all hip and happening for their 800+ facebook friends and they'll carry on doing it. finally these kids have found a place that tolerates this behaviour whereas before they would have been branded gay or a c*nt at the very thought of wearing a dead man's cardigan or going out without socks on! now all they have to put up with is funny internet videos. like all social groupings, sort through the crap, the fakeness and pretence and you'll find some lovely people who have lived and breathed what is their natural lifestyle for years. for every fifty sheep, there will be a few genuine shepherds; the effortlessly fashionable, artistic, creative types, but unfortunately their genuinity is lost amongst the hoards of hackney.
i diverge, a lot. so i was back in my hometown, the place i'd spent my conformed life surviving through not being too 'out there' or rebelling against what river island had decided was fashionable that season; back to the reptitiveness of the same conversations, same faces, same pubs, same shops and the same dress sense - you'd think the residents of my hometown would have the fitness levels of an olympian for the amount of tracksuits on parade. feeling out of place, i craved the comforts of london with it's endless supply of cosy pubs, amazing parks full of bbqs and guitars, no boy racers circuiting the town centre scouting for 14 year old girls to fill their mum's ford ka, but mostly for the 'anything goes' mentality. despite their obvious faults, these so called dickheads have a liberal and openess that should be applauded. embracing their new surroundings, there's an agreed and underlying acceptance of non-high street conformative fashion, varied music, ranging hair styles (although a morrissey quiff will help you find your feet) but most importantly an acceptance of any colour, any sex, any religion, any race. these people might not tick everyone's like box, sure they're lost in their little fashion student world (despite being 36 and working in a data entry office), but at least they're friendly and won't even shudder at the recent criticisms, just laugh, admit to nearly everything on there, and carry on doing it to the obvious annoyance of such film makers and shoreditch twat abusers.
as stated, most people i know can be loosely catergorised with these once vulnerable beings, but they're a friendly bunch and not out for trouble or to annoy. the younger crowd are enjoying the escapism of their new home, and older generation are out to retain an ever loosening grip on their youthfulness and have a good time while they cling. so with all that in mind, i proclaim "long live the dickheads, just tone it down a little yeah? i can't use up valuable blog space sticking up for you, i've got to promote my art, fashion, warehouse parties and all the other hip and trendy shit i've got on the go!"
i'm off to london fields to type this up on my macbook pro yah...
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